The DMO is charged with the responsibility of borrowing and issuing debt instruments on behalf of the State Government and Managing the State Government’s debt portfolio.
The Debt Management Office was upgraded to a full fledged Ministry by the Head of Service Circular Ref.: CIR/HOS/18/VOL.1/089 dated 5th November, 2019.
To be a Leading Public Debt Management Institution with World Class reputation.
To provide excellent debt financing, through effective financial risk management at sustainable level using modern technology towards economic growth and development.

Our History
The Debt Management Office an arm of the Ministry of Finance has been in existence since 2009, the office was established by the Debt Management Office Law of 2nd February 2009. However the office was relegated to a Directorate under the Office of Finance from May 2015 to October 2019, until the resuscitation of the office into a full pledged Ministry in November 2019
The responsibilities of DMO includes the following;
- Issue, on behalf of the State, such instruments as the state may desire to issue, from time to time;
- Borrow on behalf of the Government, from any individual or institutional bodies;
- Prepare and submit to the Government, a forecast of loan service obligations for each financial year.
- Prepare and implement a plan for the efficient management of state’s debt obligations at sustainable levels compatible with desired economic activities for growth and development; and participate in negotiations aimed at realizing those objectives.
- And more
Our Core Values
We apply best practices in the management of debts and other financial instruments. Our structure follows international standards structure and is designed to impose controls and reduce exposure to risk.